Application & Affidavit

Application & Affidavit

For an existing Owner

To ensure uninterrupted service and transfer the membership into your name, please take a minute to read the information below and fill out the required fields.

Owner Acknowledgment

I am the legal owner of this property and can view the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws as well as the Collection Policy at I understand that my bill must be kept current and full payment must be made at the time I vacate the property. As a member of Parkland Light & Water Company I agree to abide by the Bylaws and the Policies of the Cooperative.

Being an Owner/Member, should I ever rent this property, I authorize Parkland Light & Water Company to furnish electricity/water and to send monthly/bimonthly bills to my tenant or lessee. I am aware that all fees, bills, assessments, or charges of any nature whatsoever are those of the owner/ member. (per Article 14 Section 5) Furthermore, I understand that I Owner/Member will receive copies of late notices and final bills for my tenant(s) accounts.